“Reporting on a time before COVID-19, really brings home the huge changes that have affected all our lives, but it also clearly demonstrates that social investment played a major part in helping society before the pandemic and has an even bigger role to play across the UK and internationally in the future.
“We believe that social investment has come of age. We are seeing more investors engage with our track record, innovation and passion. Alongside our valued peers, it genuinely feels that collectively we are a formidable force that will help society Build Back Better.
“During the year we invested £43m into 30 social enterprises from 175 investors. Social enterprises have shown they can successfully deliver where government provision is lacking, communities can work together to address issues they face such as a lack of affordable homes; and investors, including large institutional investors, are making positive choices to invest, not just for a financial return, but with a recognition of the positive impact their money can generate for society and the environment we all want to live in tomorrow.”
Read the stories of the social enterprises that are delivering impact in this year’s Resonance Annual Report.
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Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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