Chief Executive Officer
Launceston Office
Daniel leads the growing team supporting social enterprises and charities prepare for investment in a variety of transactions including real estate acquisition and development, community share issues and direct venture capital investments. He has seen the company flourish as it has created demand-led, impact investment funds.
Daniel founded Resonance in 2002 having spent several years in manufacturing as an engineer and leading a political lobbying campaign on the UK poverty trap.
Outside work Daniel is a non-exec of a small number of high impact social enterprises and part of the advisory council of a leading impact investor foundation. He is also a qualified hockey coach and still plays competitively for his local club.
Board of Directors
Resonance Limited
Resonance Impact Investment Limited
Community Land & Finance CIC
Investment Committee Member
Health & Wellbeing Challenge Fund (South West)
Resonance Community Developers
Community Land & Finance
Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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