This is the Resonance Supported Homes Fund’s third Social Impact Report, covering the year April 2022 to March 2023. This year the fund has focused on deployment in a number of regions across the UK including, particularly focusing on purchasing properties including in South Shields, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, the South East, West Yorkshire and the North West, for people with learning disabilities and autism.
We know that the right supported housing provides a critical role in enabling people with learning disabilities and autism to live independently within local communities, however currently:
supported housing, of which,
With 1.5m people in the UK with a learning disability and around 700,000 with autism there is a significant need for people to be able to access the right home and support for them.
So far, five properties, a one-bedroom flat and four shared homes, located in the heart of local communities and close to local amenities, public transport and support networks, were handed over to one of the fund’s housing partners, United Response, during the year. An additional eleven properties are currently undergoing a range of improvements to make them more energy efficient and suitable for the needs of tenants, whilst several other properties are in the process of being purchased. Seven people are now living in three of the fund’s properties. One of them recently said of her new home:
“My home has changed my life … I feel like a queen.”
Read our three tenant stories – and our first tenant survey - in the fund’s social impact report via the download link below.
This year, the fund also welcomed a new housing partner; Golden Lane Housing, a charity that works with people with learning disabilities and autism to provide supported housing around which they can build their lives.
John Verge, Chief Executive of Golden Lane Housing: “We are delighted to be working with Resonance and its Supported Homes Fund. Resonance has a long-proven ability in the homelessness sector of sourcing properties that are suitable for tenants and long-term operational partnerships with other housing associations. The work Golden Lane Housing and the fund will be carrying out together, will ensure it contributes to addressing the great need for supported housing for people with learning disabilities and autistic people.”
The fund is proud to be starting to make a difference to the lives of some of the people supported by its housing partners, providing them with the homes that suits their needs, whilst continuing to purchase more properties with its housing partners to ensure even more people with learning disabilities and autism can be given a home to call their own.
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