We are delighted to publish our ‘Twenty Years of Impact’ anniversary book, which aims to take the reader on a journey from the earliest days of Resonance in 2002, to post pandemic 2022.
In those early years, Daniel was working with social enterprises in East London, helping them develop their business models, see how they could scale up to deliver more impact, and prepare them for investment. He also began the important task of building key relationships that would lay the crucial foundations, from which the Resonance of 2002 was able to grow and evolve into the social impact property fund manager we know today, providing housing solutions for people facing crisis.
Resonance was Daniel, for the first seven years, at which point he employed his first assistant, Shirley. But the real change in pace occurred when Simon Chisholm joined in 2012 and the first social impact funds were launched.
Contributors from across the social impact spectrum have kindly shared their stories about how they were first made aware of Resonance, and the subsequent relationship that developed: social investment specialists, investors, charity and housing partners, tenants, social enterprises, trusts and foundations, local authorities and other public bodies and staff; all help describe the impact journey travelled over the past twenty years, and we are so grateful to them for taking the time to do so.
So, join us on a journey through time to discover how, over the twenty years, Resonance has invested £243m into 131 enterprises from 211 investors as well as acquiring 1,000 homes and 20 housing partners, providing safe and affordable homes for 3,000 people.
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Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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