At the end of March, we welcomed many of our National Homelessness Property Fund 2 (NHPF2) housing partners to our second, in person, Housing Partner Forum. Our forum is proving to be invaluable in providing an interactive opportunity for our housing partners to meet and network with other partners with shared value and purpose, and to share learnings and best practice in delivering high-quality housing and support to the fund’s tenants.
With nine housing partners coming together from across the UK - varying both in terms of size and experience – the forum is bringing a real community feel to the NHPF2 fund team and partners. And it’s evidencing that working in partnership with like-minded organisations that all have tenants at the heart of everything they do, is a great way to inform best practice and make the collaborative work that the fund does, more effective and efficient for all stakeholders.
Taking place at our Manchester office, the forum was co-hosted with Anna Crook from The Curiosity Society who ran facilitated workshop sessions with the group. Sessions included discussions around the cost of living crisis and its impact on tenants and also, the tenant journey. So how tenants are supported to move from instable and temporary accommodation and into their new homes, enabling and empowering them to find stability and to make positive changes in other parts of their lives, such as employment and tackling personal health and wellbeing issues.
With NHPF2 continuing to expand across the UK, another ambition of the housing partner forum, besides bringing housing partners together, is to ensure that cross learning is maximised, and as a fund we continually learn from each other and jointly achieve our goals.
Lowri Lawrence, Asset & Contract Manager, Capital Letters: “It’s a great way to meet the housing partners and speak about the difficulties that we are experiencing. The informal manner of the day helped conversation and moving around the table to get a chance to talk with everyone. It’s good that faces are now becoming familiar which will aid information sharing going forward.”
Natalie Giles, Interim Associate Director of Housing and Communities, Developing Health & Independence: “The forum is a really good way to meet other partners and share our experiences with our client group, share best practices and just get to know others who work with the funds.”
Housing Partner Resource Hub
Alongside the creation of the Housing Partner Forum, Resonance also launched a Housing Partner Resource Hub. This online, interactive resource tool is accessible to all our housing partners across our seven property funds. It enables partners to share ideas and initiatives around supporting their tenants, especially around the cost of living crisis. The portal also has links to key learnings and outcomes form the housing partner forums, topical and relevant news articles and useful tools for tenants such as budgeting, debt advice, energy and food saving tips and more.
About National Homelessness Property Fund 2
About Resonance
We create and manages scalable and diversified residential property funds that provide life changing housing solutions for people facing housing crisis. Since 2013 our funds have raised in excess of £340 million, providing over 1,000 safe and affordable homes for around 3,000 people across the UK.
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