Thirteen years after the first of Resonance’s five Homelessness Property Funds was launched and over 3,600 people have now been housed by the funds to date. And in the last year alone, the funds have provided 1,140 decent, affordable and settled homes for 2,207 people, including 955 children, who had been experiencing or facing homelessness.
Access to decent housing is a fundamental human need, essential for well-being, dignity, and stability. For people experiencing homelessness and facing housing crisis, the lack of a permanent home can have far-reaching consequences, impacting their physical health, mental wellbeing, making it difficult for them to access support networks and social care services, and their ability to achieve economic stability. Over 117,000 households are currently living in temporary accommodation in the UK and, whilst providing emergency shelter, this is not a long-term solution.
Temporary accommodation often lacks privacy, security and a sense of safety, can be retraumatising, and prevent people from accessing specialist support services and putting down roots. Working with its expert housing partners, Resonance’s property funds are providing tenants with both stable housing and a foundation from where they can start to rebuild their self-esteem, tackle any health issues, establish routines, reconnect with their communities, build relationships, participate in society in meaningful ways and start making plans toward a better life.
The Resonance homelessness property funds’ year in numbers:
As usual, our funds continue to create positive outcomes for tenants. This year, over 65% of funds’ tenants completed an annual tenant survey and included tenants from all ten of the funds’ housing partners – a first! A huge thanks to all our housing partners for working so hard with tenants to ensure such a fantastic survey response rate, resulting in meaningful data and a statistically reliable representation of the tenant population.
Some of the outcomes created for tenants this year, include:
With three of the property funds having completed full deployment a few years’ ago now, Resonance’s newer property funds, National Homelessness Property Fund 2 (NHPF2) and Resonance Everyone In Fund (REIF), have continued to focus on deployment. REIF has almost completed its final deployment in London whilst NHPF2 continues deployment in five regions across England for its expert housing partners. Additionally, the property team has been busy managing the successful transfer of its London based Real Lettings Property Fund 1&2 properties from St Mungo’s to Notting Hill Genesis (NHG). Most of these properties are now being managed by NHG, with a small number due to complete final transfer during late 2024/early 2025.
Ultimately, what this all means is that the funds are continuing to respond - and provide a sustainable and scalable solution - to the desperate need for safe, stable and affordable homes for people facing and experiencing homelessness across the UK.
Each of the funds’ tenants has their own ‘story’ to tell and different experiences and circumstances that led to challenging housing circumstances and ultimately, to them to living in a fund property, so hearing from some of our tenants and understanding the difference the funds’ homes are making to their lives is a moment for reflection and pride. This year, five of the funds’ tenants – Kim, Lee, Simon, Hamia and David – kindly shared their experiences of homelessness with us and the difference their new home is having on their lives, in their own words, and through their stories. We are hugely grateful to all of them.
Hamia, “The house I am in is my sanctuary. It is where I find my peace and tranquillity. It is in a quiet area and the neighbours are nice. The new home has given me stability and a sense of settlement after moving through different places. I have received all the support I needed, any time I have an issue, it is always solved.”
Kim, “If I didn’t have this home, I would be living on the streets. My life would be non-existent: trying to make it through the day, causing harm to myself and others around me, likely ending back in prison, going deeper into addiction. I would mostly likely end up dead.”
Lee, “I feel I’m free from an environment where I felt really vulnerable and have been able to take back my independence and live how I want to live with support … Having a stable home means a lot to me as I can choose to do what I want, when I want, in my own time - and I haven’t been able to do that for a very long time.”
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Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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