LOCATION: Telford/Shropshire
ABOUT: Wellington Orbit is a cinema and community space designed with the overall aim of reducing loneliness and isolation in the community.
INVESTMENT PURPOSE: To finalise the first stage of converting a former bank into the community arts centre.
SOURCE OF INVESTMENT: Resonance West Midlands SITR Fund
IMPACT: Arts, Culture & Sport; Poverty & Disadvantage; Work & Employment
ABOUT: Wellington Orbit is a cinema, art and community space run by Clifton Community Arts Centre. With the overall aim of reducing loneliness and isolation in the Wellington community, Wellington Orbit hosts film screenings and events designed to be accessible and include everyone. These include events and programmes such as special red carpet film screenings, encouraging the local community to dress up and get involved. Film screenings specifically designed for those who are over 60, for adults with learning disabilities and for people with dementia are also hosted, creating an inclusive and welcoming space. Wellington Orbit also offers volunteering opportunities, it currently has around 30 volunteers who help at the cinema, events and in the kitchen.
PURPOSE OF INVESTMENT: The purpose of the investment from the Resonance West Midlands SITR Fund into Clifton Community Arts Centre was to finalise the first stage of converting a former bank into the community arts centre. This has helped the company towards founding Wellington Orbit and creating their cinema and community arts centre.
Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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