LOCATION: Bristol & South West
ABOUT: Love Squared (previously Leading Lights Education & Wellbeing) offer mental health projects for children and young people, deliver imaginative and carefully case managed mental health and SEND support for children and young people with social, emotional, and mental health needs, as well as training and consultancy for organisations.
INVESTMENT PURPOSE: The purpose of the investment was to advance primary recruitment and to renovate their SEMH ‘Glow’ hub.
IMPACT: Education & Learning, Health, Wellbeing & Social Care
ABOUT: Love Squared is a Community Interest Company that provides education and management programmes to children and families with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH). With the core belief that education is innately linked to wellbeing, Love Squared aim to encourage and sustain long term change through a range of wellbeing services as well as their education programmes.
These services include:
PURPOSE OF INVESTMENT: The purpose of the investment from the South West SITR Fund was to advance primary recruitment in administrative and operational roles at Love Squared as well as developing infrastructure. This was in order to expand the company and maintain the high quality of their support services.
The investment was also used to renovate Loved Squared's children’s hub, ‘Glow’ – a SEMH hub that works with children experiencing or who have experienced anxiety, self-harm, trauma and domestic violence. The hub has three key aims:
After attending Love Squared, 97% of young people said they felt better able to cope with challenges, feeling less anxious about school and education.
Sarah Louise Hopkins, Love Squared: “We are just absolutely thrilled that this amazing support that Resonance has given us will allow us to help more wonderful children and young people to thrive. Many of them have been through so many adverse experiences and fight every day to overcome the barriers that society puts in their way because of their mental health needs. They are truly inspirational and being able to finally launch Glow: our first specialist hub, having more staff and more capacity – all of which this loan allows us to do - will make a huge difference to how much we can help them to achieve what they deserve over the next few years. We are all glowing! It has given us a real chance at building sustainability for the future and to have real impact.”
Resonance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales no. 04418625
Resonance Impact Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Resonance Limited, is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm number 588462.
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